

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Hampden Park Co-op has been a recognized cooperative since 1993, adhering to the International Cooperative Association's guidelines. We're a thriving neighborhood enterprise with three main aims:

  • Foster equitable relationships among employees, owners, and community.

  • Offer quality, healthy products at reasonable prices.

  • Promote cooperative values for a sustainable future.

    Community, relationships and membership

    Hampden Park Co-op revolves around community, relationships, and membership. Everyone who shops with us is part of our community, united by a shared passion for food. We cherish the values and bonds that bind us, ensuring that every individual feels valued and welcomed, regardless of their involvement level. Formal membership merely symbolizes a deeper commitment to our community ethos.

    Product offerings

    We understand that our members have diverse preferences. Our product range is designed to mirror their values, ensuring a mix of organic, fresh, local, healthy, and minimally packaged options.

    World improvement through collective effort

    At Hampden Park Co-op, we're determined to create a positive global impact through:

  • Upholding and communicating shared values in all our operations.

  • Establishing genuine relationships and unique business practices.

  • Exercising mindful economic influence through product selection and supplier relations.

  • Educating our community on informed consumer choices.

  • Collaborating with like-minded organizations and seizing impactful opportunities.

    (Photography by Aro Ha).